Friday 26 December 2014

Trade your way to 1 million

Hello an welcome to a new blog from me, this one is for the Fifa community. The blog will show you a huge variety of things about the best game on the market from the best players that week to some of the issues that need to be fixed. 

In this blog I will share my Tips and Tricks to get you them extra coins to spend on what you want., and I think with the packs that are in the store at the moment and the packs that are going to be coming soon you will need to get some extra coins ready, so lets get straight into the trading tips. 

TIP #1 - Inform Trading

Tip Number 1 is to trade with lower priced informs such as Naldo or Hamouma as they are more affordable for most people and there is quite a high demand for them. This tip is very good at the moment with all the packs being opened as people are less likely to check the prices and list them at the right price, they will just list them at what they think they go for and this means you can buy some real bargains if you look hard enough at the right times.

Tip #2 - Silver Player Trading

The second tip is trading with silver players. This tip is for the Fifa players that have between 10,000 and 50,000. To make money from this method you will need to know the prices of players, to get this right I like to use FutBin as they are they are the most reliable site out there. So what you need to do is search for Silver and 350 minimum bids. Then what you need to do is go through the players and find cards that are worth around 850 coins and bid on every player you can find like this and then watch the coins pile up. This is a great method. 

Tip #3 - Play in the offline seasons 

I know this may sound boring but it is a great way to earn quick coins to buy the packs or players you want. Every game you will get around 400 coins as a bonus and once you win the season you should get around 1500-2000 in the first division but once you progress through the seasons you will begin to get to division 3,2 and one you can earn around 12,000 coins at the end of the season. This is a great and easy way to earn coins.

Tip #4 - Play Tournaments 

The last tip I have for you today is playing 
tournaments. This is a great way to earn coins as there will always be tournaments to play and the prizes can be very good as you can get 5,000 coins or at this time of year 35k packs, and even better the packs actually there even on the 2nd or 3rd time of winning the tournament meaning you can get as many free pack as you want as well as the coin reward. Who can turn that down

Thats it for today so Thanks for reading and come back tomorrow for more. 

Fifa KingHD

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